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How your Loft Conversion is Helping the Environment

By: Emma Eilbeck BA (hons) - Updated: 25 Mar 2013 | comments*Discuss
Loft Conversion Environmental Issues

Why Converting is Environmentally Friendly

It may not be one of your main reasons for converting, but in a society that is watching what it wastes, it is good to know that a loft conversion is one of the most environmentally friendly home renovations you can undertake. By staying put in your current house you are cutting down the need for more houses to be built which in turn leads to less trees being needed to cut down to create space. Being environmentally friendly may not be enough to convince you into a loft conversion, but it certainly works in your favour.

The house shortage in the UK is slowly meaning the end to green open spaces, so anything you can do to prevent this will help. By choosing to work with what you have and having a loft conversion not only helps to prevent another house being built but also gives you your much desired extra living space.

Loft conversions are becoming increasingly popular in inner cities where many people have no option but to move upwards instead of moving out. Many cities, especially London are quickly running out of space and a new culture of loft addicts is being created. There has been a particular boom in loft conversion companies in the main cities with people deciding they cannot afford to move. It is no longer unrealistic to picture a future where the majority of loft space in the major cities is converted.

Ways to Make Your Conversion Green

It is not just your actual loft conversion that is helping the environment but there are a number of features of your conversion that you can adapt to also help with environmental issues. Gas guzzling houses are putting a strain on the environment and homeowner’s bank balances. A few simple measures can help cut down your carbon footprint. Installing loft insulation is a great way to cut down your carbon footprint, you can do this without even undertaking a loft conversion. Cavity wall insulation will also have the same benefits for your loft conversion.

A window in your loft will help cut down on any excess lighting costs and leave you a bit happier when it comes to your heating bills. Solar panels are also another popular option when it comes to lofts but solar panels are often not as effective as other forms of energy saving measures. One thing you will be inundated with when you carry out your loft conversion is waste, not only from your material, but also any waste from packaging. If you are trying to create a green building then you should do your best to make sure that you recycle as much of this as you possibly can to cut down on any environmental issues.

You won’t save the planet by converting your loft but you will be doing your bit to reduce your carbon footprint. You are never going to be able to be completely green when converting your loft and it will never be the case that your conversion will have no impact on the environment, but moving upwards is definitely the latest way to make sure you have a green building while helping the housing shortage and the forests.

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